FilmUnlimited is a collection of Resolve 17/18 PowerGrades emulating Kodak 5207 250D and Kodak 5219 500T film. It’s a full PowerGrade rebuild of the negative film stocks I shot and profiled in November 2018 and January 2021.
Designed for Davinci YRGB color science. And as of December 8 2022, now rebuilt for native Resolve Colour Managed (RCM) workflows. RCM versions designed for the Davinci Wide Gamut/Davinci Intermediate colour space/gamma.
When I started project in early 2021 I had two goals. Create an accurate reproduction of the two stocks, and build them in way that offers maximum flexibility to allow me to achieve the looks clients request.
At the time of writing I’ve used FilmUnlimited on all but one digital project since the Release of Resolve 17. It’s now my main PowerGrade. I’ve used it, tested it, tweaked then tested it some more. Now it’s your turn.
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