The Milky Way

What we do matters.


We want to create beautiful photos (…you know, like the ones that fill our Instagram feed). But sometimes the art we envision isn’t quite what we see on the back of our camera.

Sound familiar? I hear you.

When I got into the world of newborn photography, there were a lot of tears (not the happy kind!) and I felt really alone (and frustrated).

Luckily – you don’t have to try to figure it out on our own.

If we haven’t met yet,

I’m Lisa

I created The Milky Way to offer the friendliest, most convenient online education for photographers like you, to help you quickly learn the skills you need to create the art you love and a business that truly lights you up.

I’m passionate about creating communities where new and experienced photographers can connect with one another in a positive, drama-free space.

I just want to remind you that if I can do it

so can you.

I started with absolutely ZERO knowledge about my camera, lighting, posing or editing.

But with patience, passion and some mentors who gave me a hand-up, my work has improved (and so has my confidence!)

I look forward to being a part of YOUR photography journey – to help you evolve and push your creative limits!

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